Artist:Group show, Nile KOETTING
-Inside the Outside World-
Gallry hours:11:00-18:00
※ 15:00~ only on 8/19 (Sat)
Closed on 08/21(Mon)
YAMAMOTO GENDAI will be participating in the new festival “インフラ INFRA,”
co-hosted by Tokyo based online gallery EBM(T) (organizers: Nile Koetting, Nozomu Matsumoto) and 3hd Festival, based in Berlin. Below is the information regarding the festival.
“インフラ INFRA” is a festival exploring new forms of expression at the intersection of music, performance, and ritual that have risen from the post-internet generation and beyond. Produced by 3hd Festival and EBM(T) Gallery, it is made possible with the generous support of Arts Council Tokyo, Frame Finland, and OCA.
Happening at various venues in Tokyo, including YAMAMOTO GENDAI, Hara Museum, WWWß, Park Hotel Tokyo, Institut Français Tokyo, and, of course, the internet, is this year’s ‘Inside the Outside World’, examining the infrastructures that rule the modern world. Those infrastructures provide an ecosystem where artists, musicians and performers locate and navigate their work, one that has changed dramatically since the emergence of the Internet. It’s here that “インフラ INFRA”’s global, interdisciplinary and independent state of mind exists. It proposes a break from institutional and market-based boundaries for artists, while also interrogating these notions in a series of lectures, panels, workshops, live performances and commissions that examine music and art at its intersection. “インフラ INFRA” is for musicians, artists, and performers.
Participating artists include:
ALMA, Aurora Sander, Dambi Kim, DJ PAYPAL, DJ WWWW, Emamouse, FOODMAN, Green Music, H. Takahashi, Hitoyo Nakano, IKU, Jenna Sutela, Johanna Odersky, Larry, Lars TCF Holdhus, Lilium Kobayashi, Lyra, Makoto Taniguchi, Nobukazu Takemura, Shana Moulton, Toiret Status, Tomoko Sauvage, and Y.Ohashi.
© ️Jenna Sutela
© ️LarsTCF Holdhu
© ️Green Music
© H.Takahashi
© Y.Ohashi